International Real Estate for Sale

Immoulin BV ('Immoulin') is a Dutch company registered in the Netherlands. All information regarding Immoulin’s users, policy, and conditions is in Dutch and is both legal and binding.  Any information of a legal nature that Immoulin provides on these pages in any language other than Dutch is for information and guidance purposes only and as such is not legally binding.

General Terms of Use

By using the Immoulin website(s), also referred to as ‘labels’, it is understood that by ticking the relevant box during the registration process newly registered users have read and accepted these General Terms of Use. Immoulin may at any time revise these terms without notice.

Terms & Conditions

  1. Property data and information advertised on the Immoulin websites is compiled by the advertiser(s). Immoulin does not accept any liability which may arise with respect to the contents of a real estate advertisement (‘ad’).
  2. Property offered: Visitors are hereby informed that the advertiser can be a private seller or a professional realtor. Immoulin recommends that all users of the site(s), where possible, should verify all data and information for a listed property prior to entering into a legally binding agreement. Immoulin provides a passive advertising service and is in no way involved in any contact and/or negotiation between advertiser and user.

Warranties and Disclaimers

  1. Immoulin cannot guarantee the quality or textual content of an ad nor its fitness for a particular purpose. To the extent permitted by applicable law, Immoulin accepts no liability for any direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage which may arise as a result of accessing and using the Immoulin websites and the information and material held therein.
  2. The use of content from the Immoulin websites in order to make it publicly visible elsewhere or to otherwise use it for commercial purposes is expressly forbidden unless prior permission has been obtained from Immoulin. 

Copyright and Intellectual Property

  1. All content, trademarks and data on this site including but not limited to software, databases, text, graphics, icons, hyperlinks, private information, and designs are owned by or licensed to Immoulin.
  2. Users of this site will not be considered to have been granted a license or any other rights including but not limited to copyright, trademark, patent or intellectual property rights with respect to any website(s) content.


  1. Advertising is not permitted for any purpose other than for the relevant property.
  2. IMPORTANT! Both private and professional advertisers accept full responsibility for legal consequences of wrongful use of datapoints in their advertisement(s). Immoulin BV may in that case request an immediate correction and/or deny public visibility of the ad
  3. Immoulin accepts no liability whatsoever for data and information that the advertiser places on the Immoulin websites. Such data and information is under the absolute control and assessment of the advertiser, who will take full responsibility for the contents therein.
  4. The advertiser must ensure and review the accuracy of all information they have entered and promptly correct any errors.
  5. If unsuitable material is posted by an advertiser Immoulin reserves the right to terminate the ad, and thus cancel the corresponding subscription without refund. This is to say that any ad containing elements of text (words, phrases and expressions etc.) which appears to conflict or does conflict with legal and regulatory provisions, morals and/or the spirit of the publication or which may disturb or offend visitors, will be cancelled, rejected or adjusted by Immoulin without prior notice to the advertiser.
  6. Each ad must be accompanied by at least one photograph. The images shown in an ad shalll only represent relevance to the property concerned and be free of copyright.
  7. Advertisers are not permitted to insert either a commercial or any logo in an ad. The only permitted text is a description of the property.
  8. Advertisers must not provide links to another website or insert any business or private contact details in titles or descriptions.
  9. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to provide a current email address stored in Immoulin’s database as all correspondence will be conducted via that email address. Changes to contact data can be made in the user profile. Although changes normally are immediate, users must allow 24 hours for changes to become active.


  1. All users of the online websites with a valid email address can securely register a username and password in order to access various services. Passwords are encrypted in Immoulin’s database and only known by the registrant.
  2. Immoulin encourages all registered users to ensure internet safety at all times and to protect the confidentiality of their login. Immoulin accepts no responsibility for confirming the alleged identity of a registered user. In the event of abuse or suspect abuse of a user's identity a new login can be registered. In such exceptional cases, it is desirable that the user also inform Immoulin immediately.
  3. Immoulin accepts no responsibility for any transactions, whether fraudulent or otherwise, that may arise due to unauthorized use.
  4. Please note that once payment has been made ​​Immoulin has no responsibility to refund such payment.


  1. Immoulin takes care to provide uninterrupted availability of its 'live' websites. This is both in the interest of Immoulin and all its users.
  2. A user of Immoulin’s websites accepts that Immoulin is not responsible for any unavailability temporary or otherwise of the websites which is beyond Immoulin’s control

The Advertisement

  1. Immoulin provides a medium for advertising real estate online. The "Product" is the "live" ad that is made visible and searchable online. All ads can be changed by the advertiser at any time and be withdrawn or made temporarily invisible to the public. 
  2. The product which is paid for on Immoulin’s websites is an ad for real estate and related products. Immoulin offers news, reviews, and at times other contributions for real estate and related products.
  3. Immoulin has no direct interest in the purchase, sale or development of the advertised property and should not be considered an agent, seller and/or developer.
  4. The ad will remain available in the profile of the advertiser for the paid-for period, including any extensions, or until such time as the advertiser decides to remove the ad.
  5. The user should proceed to the purchase of advertising space only when satisfied that the data provided in the ad can go ‘live’. The procedure for payment and going 'live' is clearly visible in the user profile environment at that time. To proceed to payment users are transferred to the secure environment of the 'payment provider' who on behalf of Immoulin ensures the payment transaction. An ad can only be put 'live' after payment has been processed.

Contact Information

To register for commercial use of the websites of Immoulin users are required to store private contact information in Immoulin’s database via the secure forms.

Advertisers should contact Immoulin via the contact form on the website indicating a reference if already available, such as the ID number of an advertisement or customer number issued with a payment invoice.

The limited liability company Immoulin BV is registered in the Netherlands.
Reg.No. Chamber of Commerce: 24275868 - VAT Nr. NL809094873B01

Registered office: Amalialaan 45 3743KE Baarn, Netherlands

If Immoulin is in any way liable for damage to third parties, then the liability of Immoulin is limited to compensation for direct damage. Immoulin is not obliged to pay compensation for any indirect damage. Any liability of Immoulin to parties and/or third parties shall not exceed the amount that the advertiser paid to Immoulin pursuant to placing an ad on Immoulin’s websites.

Applicable law

This website is hosted, controlled and managed in the jurisdiction of The Netherlands and the applicable law will be the law of The Netherlands.

Immoulin BV, Baarn, Netherlands